The Haunted Factor’s Walk
Posted: 02.22.2020 | Updated: 01.24.2025
The Haunted Factor’s Walk

If you’re visiting Savannah, Georgia and are looking for a place filled with boutique shops, restaurants, art galleries, and everything in between, you may want to check out Factor’s Walk. Hidden close by the popular River Street, many visitors tend to miss this beautiful and multi-layered shopping spot.
With the hustle and bustle of the city, stories about this beloved hidden gem have flown over locals’ radar. Not just any stories… stories of a paranormal nature!
Read on to learn more about the history of Factor’s Walk and its labyrinth-like tunnels that hide beneath the surface.
What is the history of Factor’s Walk?
Factor’s Walk is said to have been part of Savannah since the 18th century. The first buildings that comprise of Factor’s Walk were completed as early as the 1820s. Markets had been set up long before the buildings were ever erected.
It became a marketplace where various cotton goods were sold (and deals were made for bulk selling) as well as a place where slaves were bought and sold.
Distributors who set the price for cotton and other exported goods were known as Factors, hence the namesake. Despite the Civil War and Union occupation, Factor’s Walk continued to develop a reputation where most of the city’s business was done.
Factor’s Walk, as well as River Street, still conduct a wide range of business today. These businesses are certainly different from the cotton and slave trade.
Rumblings of spirits from that strenuous time period still linger around the area, with many discoveries and sightings being reported to this day. Book your spot on our Savannah Terrors ghost tour to learn more about even more spirit-filled stops in Savannah!
Aside from the various shops and venues that are located on Factor’s Walk, there are some interesting discoveries to find. One such thing is the entrance of various tunnels located in the area.
These tunnel openings are sealed off. Supposedly, these tunnels lead to various parts of the city through underground routes that ended in basements of various buildings.
These tunnels evidently run through parts of Bay Street, located near Factor’s Walk. People have reported the echoes of men, women, and children heard throughout the tunnels and as well as the basement of some of the connected buildings.
Rumor has it that these are the spirits of the slaves that were bought in sold during the years of the pre-Civil War slave trade.
Shadowy Sightings
At night, visitors of Factor’s Walk report a tall and dark shadowy figure that is either moving or standing around. Some visitors often feel the presence of spirits and hear faint calls of distress.
While walking the cobblestone pathways, people have even seen these shadowy figures amongst the crowds. They mysteriously appear briefly only to disappear as you catch a glimpse of them. Their appearances will depend on how busy Factor’s Walk and the surrounding area are but they are typically seen closer to night time hours.
Not all of the spirits lingering around Factor’s Walk are said to belong to slaves. Over the years, Factor’s Walk has seen its share of misery, tragedy and of course, death. It is very likely that the spirits present met their untimely end one way or another and are looking for some kind of closure.
Among the anecdotes being told, many visitors to Factor’s Walk have reported multiple occurrences. Most commonly, they hear the sounds of moaning and groaning, and occasionally a few screams. One visitor felt a blast of cold air on his hand in the middle of summer and locals mention the air feeling particularly heavy on the lower level.
The Story Of The Moon River Brewing Company
One of the tunnels found at Factor’s Walk leads to a place called the Moon River Brewing Company. This was one of the original buildings located in and around the Factor’s Walk area. The building was originally built in 1821 as a hotel and a popular gathering place for many of Savannah’s elites.
This changed when General William Tecumseh Sherman captured the city and was occupied by Union soldiers in 1864. The building was one of several hotels in the city that served as a medical facility for treating Union soldiers.
It also served as a treatment facility when yellow fever ravaged the south. This epidemic caused the deaths of several thousand people in Georgia alone.

While this spot is now a popular place to eat, drink and be merry, spiritual fixtures remain and run amok at the brewery. One such spirit is located in the basement where one of the Factors Walk tunnels comes to an end.
The staff lovingly named this basement dwelling spirit “Toby.” The basement is very much a hotspot for paranormal activity with guests remarking on parts of their body suddenly becoming icy cold. Not only that, but disembodied voices will mumble in people’s ears – most likely Toby trying to communicate.
Another spirit that some people have seen in the past was a woman who is said to be known as “Mrs. Johnson”. This woman was dressed up in 19th century garb and is known for staring down patrons from the top of a flight of stairs.
Patrons to the Moon River Brewing Company have reported feeling like they’ve accidentally bumped into somebody only to see no one around.
Haunted Savannah
Factor’s Walk in Savannah is surely a must-stop place to visit, especially for paranormal and history enthusiasts. With its sprawling array of eateries and boutique shops, as well as its rich history and spine-tingling stories, you’ll never be bored on this cobblestone street!
Should you find yourself in Savannah, take a ghost tour with us and immerse yourself in the eerie aura of the city.
Follow our blog, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram for more spooky places!
- https://www.wsav.com/news/history-in-savannah-revealed-at-vaults-at-factors-walk
- https://savannahfirsttimer.com/river-street-savannah-ga/
- https://www.savannah.com/savannah-secrets-plain-sight-factors-walk/
- https://savannahfirsttimer.com/factors-walk-savannah/
- https://www.travelchannel.com/interests/haunted/articles/moon-river-brewing-company
- https://beerinfo.com/haunted-brewery-moon-river-brewing/
Book A Savannah Terrors Tour And See For Yourself
Walk the spirit-filled streets of Savannah on a spooky ghost tour of one of the nation’s most haunted cities.
Join Savannah Terrors for a terrifying look into the city’s dark past filled with stories of war, destruction, and the ghosts that stalk the darkest corners of this charming city.